Saturday, April 22, 2023

SS 724 - Hello Floral Stamp Image Card

 Welcome to Sketch Saturday Challenge 724!

The optional theme this week (in addition to the sketch) is monochromatic. 

I rotated the sketch 90 degrees so the squares would fit along the left side. I stencilled some small background pieces using shades of turquoise and die cut them with a postage stamp die. The flowers were die cut in white and I inked them with Distress Oxide inks. Those panels were arranged along the left side and a few were adhered with foam tape. The white background is a cover plate die that fits an A2 size card so I die cut it twice, cut off the straight edges and pieced it together to fit my larger card size. I also manually cut a white border. The sentiment was die cut and stacked before it was added to the card. A few turquoise enamel dots finished off the card. 

Come and join us at Sketch Saturday and show us how you interpret the sketch shown above. 

You have two weeks to link up your project. 

We can’t wait to see what you create! 



1 comment:

Lisa said...

Super stunning card with this sketch. Love the colors you used.