Tuesday, April 16, 2024

TSOT 645 - Wise Owl

 Welcome to Try a Sketch on Tuesday Challenge 645!

This is such a versatile sketch with so many possibilities. I love to work with florals but this time, I went a different route. 

The background paper was paired with a light woodgrain piece that was die cut with a circle die. The owl was all die cut from white cardstock and inked before it was assembled. I added some details using coloured pencils and a white gel pen. I also die cut and coloured a branch for the owl to rest. The sentiment was embossed in white and I used a white gel pen to add dots in the sky. I don't often ink the edges of my designs but I did ink this one using a dark grey ink. 

Come and join us at Try a Sketch on Tuesday and show us how you interpret this week's sketch. 

You have three weeks to link up your project as the due date is extended one week to accommodate the fifth Tuesday in the month. 

We can't wait to see what you create! 




crafty-stamper said...

LOve the die-cut owl and die-cut the moon out of p.paper looks brilliant.
Carol x

Suzanne Reynolds said...

I'm guessing you must have a flower on the inside. Great owl die and a woodgrain background is perfect. Love the additional detail you did in the coloring of the owl.