Friday, April 5, 2024

CD 595 - Trio of Floral Cards

 Welcome to Colour Dare Challenge 595!

The graphic is below - I used all the colours except Seabrook. 

I pulled out a triple slim stencil and stencilled all three backgrounds at the same time and then splattered them with black ink. Once they were cut down to a mini slimline size, I adhered each of them to a black mat and then to a Flamingo card base. There is a piece of white cardstock inside each card as well. I chose three styles of sentiments - one stamped and die cut, another solid stamp done with black ink and the last sentiment stamped directly on the card front. Some black gems were added to each card. 

Come and join us at Colour Dare and show us how you interpret this week's challenge. 

You have two weeks to link up your project. 

We can't wait to see what you create!




Michelle said...

Alyson your cards are beautiful! Each has it's own feel and show off our colors well.

Aimeslee Winans said...

Beautiful! xoxo

Cat Nowak said...

Stunning cards! I love all of them!! I love how unique each one is.

crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful selection of cards and stencilled flowers-love the splatters too.
Carol x

Patricia Chalas said...

Omg Alison! Those cards are beautiful!!! Each one is so unique.

Debi said...

Love! Love! Love!

Melanie R said...

Gorgeous array of floral cards, Alyson. You have brought the challenge colors to life!

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Beautiful set of cards Alyson. Beautiful stenciling with excellent choice of colors.

Becca Yahrling said...

These are all just too pretty for words! These would have been lovely as a 3-part wall hanging (framing each). I love them!