Friday, August 5, 2022

My Favourite Christmas Card Ever!

 I saw this gorgeous card posted by Sandi MacIver in her Facebook group - I had just purchased the dies so it was time to CASE her card because it is my favourite Christmas card ever! 

The set of dies is a large one with tons of small pieces. I spent a full day die cutting multiples of several images so I could make a few of these cards. The assembly took a few hours as well - definitely not a card I would use to make multiples of the same design! 

The light turquoise cardstock was embossed and the pieces were arranged on top. Once everything was dry, the embossed piece was adhered to a white card base and I added a sentiment at the bottom and some gold Stickles in the centres of the flowers. 




Casandra Bennett said...

This is pretty, and I can see why it's a favorite. I love both traditional and non-traditional Christmas cards. Great job, Alyson!

Aimeslee Winans said...

Really? Well, you do love flowers, so I get it. I do love white poinsettias and there's a thing right now going on with turquoise, just did one myself that color. This is a gorgeous non-trad Xmas card for sure, xoxo

JoAnn said...

I agree, a gorgeous Christmas card in non-traditional colors. Love the pretty flowers and leaves. I am waiting on this die set to arrive. I look forward to using it. Thanks for the inspiration.