Friday, May 3, 2024

MTTC 533 - For Someone Special

 Welcome to My Time to Craft Challenge 533!

The theme for this challenge is Mother's Day/friendship. 

I hot foiled a gorgeous peony press plate and then reversed foiled it to get the background for this card. The flowers and leaves were stamped and die cut and adhered at the bottom. A hot foiled sentiment was placed across the flowers and I added some silver gems and set the card front on a turquoise card base.

Come and join us at MTTC and show us how you interpret this challenge. 

You have two weeks to link up your project. 

We can't wait to see what you create!




crafty-stamper said...

Love the flowers and beautifully coloured, great background too.
Carol x

Wendy L said...

Your card is so pretty Alyson. xxx