Friday, May 31, 2024

CD 603 - Trio of Flowers

 Welcome to Colour Dare Challenge 603!

You must use all three colours shown - neutrals and metallics are free to use as desired. 

This is definitely not a go-to colour combo for me. I chose a layering stencil and used a light hand for the first layer of the flowers and leaves (Papaya and Seabrook). The second layer was inked with a heavier hand to provide the dimension. The background cardstock is Harbour and the insides of the flowers were also inked in Harbour ink. I stamped the sentiment with that same ink and added it at the bottom. Some iridescent gems were placed around the flowers. 

Come and join us at Colour Dare and show us how you interpret this week's challenge. 

You have two weeks to link up your project. 

We can't wait to see what you create!




crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful card and love the fabulous layered stencil.
Carol x

Becca Yahrling said...

What a beautiful stencil. And the colors work so well! Gorgeous card.

Michelle said...

What a beautiful card! I love the clean lines and how great our colors shine!

Debi said...

Your stenciling is gorgeous! I love the subtle hints of Harbour.