Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Planting Seeds Layout

 I don't do much scrapbooking any longer - I used to create many layouts but time has changed things. One in a while, though, there is an occasion that does call for a layout and this was one of those times. 

A former music student of mine invited me to attend a music festival where two of his ensembles were performing. I spent the day in Toronto with him and his groups - I had not seen him since June of 1997 when he finished grade 8. It was the most amazing experience - getting to know him as an adult and seeing him work with his students was so very rewarding. 

He has told me on many occasions that I am the reason he decided to teach intermediate music - and that alone warms my heart. As a teacher, that is what we hope for - that we make a difference in students' lives. 

I screenshot the post I put on Facebook along with his reply. This is why I became a teacher - this is truly what matters! 




crafty-stamper said...

Fabulous layout Alyson and was definitely inspired,a great memory to be captured and love the pic.
Carol x

Aimeslee Winans said...

The PERFECT layout for this wonderful seed planting, love it! xoxo