Friday, October 21, 2022

CD 519 - Sunflowers

 Welcome to Colour Dare Challenge 519! 

It's a brown week - choose any two colours to go with shades of brown. 

Brown is not a go to colour for me - I chose to use sunflowers since the centre is brown and I could add yellow and green to work with the flowers. 

The images were stamped with brown and green pigment inks and embossed. I coloured everything and then die cut the flowers and leaves. I used a pattern (sort of) from one of the Make It From Your Heart books and used brown patterned papers along with matte gold cardstock to create a V toward the bottom of my card. The sunflowers were arranged at the top and I added a gold pre-foiled sentiment to the right side. A few gold gems finished off my card. 

Come and join us at Colour Dare and show us how you interpret this week's challenge. 

You have two weeks to link up your project. 

We can't wait to see what you create!




KT Fit Kitty said...

Beautiful sunflowers, Alyson! Your colouring always looks amazing! The sunflowers around here this summer were fabulous and I enjoy seeing them in people's gardens. I don't remember noticing as many sunflowers before so more people must be planting them these days.

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Love the design of your and the choice of your two colors, perfect for this sunflower theme... bold and beautiful.

Debi said...

Love the bold sunflowers & all the textures.

Michelle said...

Perfect colors for your beautiful sunflowers! Great job with coloring, too.

Aimee said...

ooh Alyson I love your card. Sunflowers are always great but your coloring really makes them on this card.

Cat Nowak said...

Love the sunflowers with the angled bottom! So beautiful!