Friday, November 17, 2023

MTTC 521 - Have a Wonderful Christmas

 Welcome to My Time to Craft Challenge 521!

The theme for this challenge is "Got to be Christmas".

I am still in the midst of creating my Christmas cards - I make over 200 to mail - so this was a welcome challenge. 

I embossed a piece of dark green cardstock with a poinsettia embossing folder and then silver embossed a few poinsettia images. Those were coloured and die cut. I arranged them along the left side and added a silver embossed sentiment at the right. Some silver gems were added and I used a white gel pen to draw some details on the images. 

Come and join us at MTTC and show us your Christmas projects.

You have two weeks to link up your project. 

We can't wait to see what you create!




KT Fit Kitty said...

Hello, Alyson, and Happy Friday! Your silver-embossed poinsettias are absolutely gorgeous, and I love how you combined them with your poinsettia-embossed background! The sentiment looks amazing in the silver embossing as well! Love the traditional colours, and I am in awe that you make 200 Christmas cards, Wowzers! All handmade and so beautiful! That's 200 happy people when they receive your card! And speaking of happy people, I am thrilled to have won your awesome blog candy for the DeJa-Brew challenge! I read about it over at Double Trouble - thank you so much! Wishing you many blessings, my friend, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Aimeslee Winans said...

Wow, that embossed layer looks debossed, so cool! Not saying you did that, it just looks that way to me. Might be tricking my eye. I never think to look at the other side and choose but that's an idea! xoxo

Wendy L said...

Looks wonderful Alyson, lovely deep embossing. On my laptop so I can visit and comment, for some reason my tablet wont let me comment on your blog.xx