Sunday, October 27, 2024

Pinkfresh Studio Event - Cards 3

 This is the third set of cards from the Pinkfresh Studio holiday card event. 

Simon Says Stamp was a partner for this event and the gingerbread house is their stamp, as are the little penguins. The original card for the house had the image left in black and white but I chose to colour the house to make it look more like a true gingerbread house. 

The penguins were masked inside the jar and the sky was ink blended. I love the jar as a shaker - such a cute idea!




  1. Love the colourful sparkly gingerbread house, and great Penguin shaker card.
    Carol x

  2. Again, love the jar! Both cards are fabulous and the gingerbread house really did need to be colored, smart you. xoxo


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