Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Layered Peacock Birthday Card

This birthday card is for a very special friend... I created it a while ago but I KNOW she reads my blog so I couldn't schedule the post until after her birthday. Her birthday was yesterday, December 5th but I had a Design Team challenge post that had to go live yesterday so this card needed to be delayed one day... Ah, such is life. 

These papers were actually picked up when I was out shopping with her back in June. I have no idea if she even remembers them or not. I know that the peacock paper tweaked her interest at the time. None of the Close To My Heart inks matched with these papers so I decided to use Silver embossing powder for the sentiment. Juniper was the closest match and the sentiment inside was stamped using that colour. I know she loves to create with many layers and there are 11 layers on this card! 

I hope she had an awesome birthday! 

Products used are Close To My Heart unless otherwise indicated:

Paper: White Daisy Cardstock (base), Miscellaneous
Stamps: Card Chatter Birthday
Inks: Versamark, Juniper (inside card and edge distressing)
Accessories: Art Philosophy Cartridge (ret.), Artbooking Cartridge, Silver Embossing Powder, Heat Tool, Thin Foam Tape, Sparkles Assortment


1 comment:

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Thank you so much for this beautiful card...and yes I do remember the packet you picked up I believe at the last store we were at. I think it was around the same time I offered you a life saver from Christmas...lol