Friday, January 27, 2012

Leibster Blog Award!!

I have been awarded a Liebster Blog Award by the wonderfully talented Ann Marie Lessner at!! I am thrilled to get this wonderful award. Please go check out Ann's blog!! And thank you, Ann, for thinking of me!!

Now I get to give the award to 5 blogs that I think are amazing.  These blogs are all up and coming and have fewer than 200 followers.

Here are the rules:
  • Choose 5 up and coming blogs of fewer than 200 followers to award the Liebster to.
  • Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them. If you are not a follower of theirs, that might be a nice way to show appreciation for the award.
  • Post the award on your blog.  Link back to the blogs you have given the Liebster to so everyone else can pay them a visit.
As a recipient it is now your turn to pick 5 blogs and share the love!
Allisa Chilton -
  I love Allisa's blog as I find her artwork so inspiring and up to date!

The next four blogs are all fellow Canadian consultants, and all from Ontario, just like me! 

Jan Moxey -
  Jan loves to try new things and inspire others with her creations!

Krista Ritskes - 
  I love the way Krista can take an idea that is so simple and make it look so sophisticated!

Karen Day -
  Karen comes up with some great takes on challenges - love her work!

Brae Montgomery -
  Brae is a sideline of mine and, although she just had a beautiful baby girl, she is still creating awesome
  stuff - you just don't always get to see it on her blog recently. I see it at our unit meetings and Stamp
  Camps. Keep checking back - she will be back to posting regularly before much longer!

Please go and check out these blogs and show them some love!!


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