I know that I have been completely absent from my blog lately. I am frantically preparing all of my artwork for Extravaganza at Convention, which is just under a month away now. It is taking up all the time that I have because, being the perfectionist that I am, everything has to be absolutely perfect. I am spending upwards of 8-10 hours every day in my craft room, working on one project after another and the hardest part is that I can't share anything that I am doing with anyone until Convention! I promise to photograph everything and when I am back on the 15th of July, I will start posting the art that I made. I can't wait to show you my creations! In the meantime, try and be patient - there will be a lot of consultants tweeting and blogging from Convention if you want to keep up with the chatter and updates if you will not be there.
By the way, I have met my weight loss goal and I have indeed lost 85 pounds! I feel terrific and I have even bought a dress for the Awards Banquet. I have not worn a dress in almost 14 years! This is a real milestone for me - and with heels as well!
Meanwhile, please don't drop out as a follower - I WILL BE BACK!
Congrats on meeting your goal! I can't wait to see your artwork for convention!