Monday, January 14, 2013

SO busy!

Good morning, 

Posts on my blog may be inconsistent for the next while. I am starting to work on my application pieces for my submission to teach at Convention in Florida this summer. What I have in mind is going to take me some significant time (and I STILL don't have my new products in hand yet... hopefully by the end of this week) but I can get starting working on some pieces now. 

I will post as often as I can but I just wanted you to know why you will not be seeing as many posts from me as usual in the coming days. I am still here and am still creating - just stuff that I can't share with you yet.

Please be patient - I will be back again soon! Meanwhile, please check out the list of other CTMH blogs I have listed along the right side of my blog - there are other ladies doing wonderful things out there, and try some of the challenge blogs I have listed as well! They are a lot of fun and can give you some great ideas! 


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