Wednesday, May 8, 2024

AH 576 - You're Amazing

Welcome to Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge 576!

This is a fairly detailed sketch - I chose to stay close to the sketch idea as it worked for my card. 

The background was embossed on Kraft cardstock and I added black and gold stripes and an offset scalloped border. The flowers were stamped, coloured and die cut and added just above the scalloped border. A sentiment was placed over the flowers and I added a die cut bow under that. A few clear gems were placed around the card and the card front was adhered to a black mat and then a red card base. 

Come and join us at Atlantic Hearts and show us how you interpret this week's sketch. 

You have until Sunday evening to link up your project. 

We can't wait to see what you create!



1 comment:

crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful card Alyson and perfect take on the sketch,love the embossed background and flowers.
Carol x