Monday, April 1, 2024

DT 163 - Change the World

 Welcome to Double Trouble Challenge 163!

Kraft and blue - the small graphic is below. Please visit the Double Trouble Challenge Blog for detailed information. 

We are pairing with The Inspiration Station Challenge - this is their inspiration photo.

As soon as I saw the inspiration picture, I knew which stamp I wanted to use. This beautiful world stamp with flowers at the top was perfect. I stamped the image and coloured it before die cutting it. I also stamped a sentiment for the bottom. The Kraft paper was embossed with a 3D embossing folder and I added a thin strip of glitter paper along each side before adhering that piece to the card base. I added various colours of Stickles to the centres of the flowers to finish off the card. 

Come and join us at Double Trouble and show us how you interpret this challenge. 

You have two weeks to link up your project. 

I am also linking up my card with the challenge at The Inspiration Station (the globe was my inspiration). 

We can't wait to see what you create!




crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful card Alyson, the stamp is perfect and love the embossed kraft background.
Carol x

Melanie Hungerford said...

Love the bright flowers with the globe, I've been surprised to see so many unique earth and globe images. What a great sentiment you paired with yours!

Suzanne Reynolds said...

What a great image and fantastic bright coloring of your florals and globe... love the sentiment. Your globe image really pops against the embossed kraft background. Beautiful card.

Donna Walls said...

I adore this stamped image and the sentiment is lovely. Great job with the coloring too! Thanks for joining us at The Inspiration Station Challenge and we hope you'll play again soon.
Donna xx
The Inspiration Station Challenge Blog
The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
The Paper Funday Challenges

Aimeslee Winans said...

Aw, how pretty and inspiring, xoxo