Monday, April 10, 2023

AH 520 - You're Amazing Blue Wreath


Welcome to Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge 520!

There are so many possibilities with this sketch - I kept pretty much to what is shown although I did eliminate the square behind the wreath. 

The background was ink blended with four shades of oxide inks and splattered with water. I cut a piece a silver glitter paper on which to build the wreath. The dark blue wreath was die cut and I cut several pieces of "greenery" from several shades of blue cardstock. I traced the wreath onto white cardstock and cut a background to go behind it. The leaves were arranged around the wreath and I added a stamped sentiment across the centre. Some clear gems were added to finish off the card. 

Come and join us at Atlantic Hearts and show us how you interpret the sketch shown above. 

You have until Sunday evening to link up your project. 

We can’t wait to see what you create! 




Aimeslee Winans said...

Ooh me likey! A creative combination of dies, xoxo

Lisa said...

Fantastic die cuts and card. Love the colors you used.