Monday, May 30, 2016

Colour Dare Challenge - Special Friend Card

When I saw the colour combination on the Colour Dare site last week, I knew I had to create something, regardless of my busy schedule right now. With Close To My Heart's Convention coming up shortly, I am trying to get ahead with my own design team obligations so I don't come back to having that hanging over my head the second I walk in the door... There is never enough time in the day - Can anyone else relate to that?? 

But this colour combination called to me - play, play - you have to play along.... So, at the very least, it's a simple card and one that I can use. I actually have another one in mind and may actually enter this challenge twice this week if I get time to create the second one I have sitting in the back of my mind. 

I didn't want to use any patterned paper or even a lot of coloured cardstock on this card - I wanted to focus on the inks instead. The lower right side is a blend of Lagoon and Crystal Blue and then the stems are stamped in Pear ink. The flowers are cut in Thistle and White Daisy. The sparkles have been coloured in as close a colour match as I could get - the ShinHan markers looked far too pink - even the darkest purple was more pink than purple - so I ended up using a Sharpie marker instead. 

Check out the Colour Dare challenge site for yourself - it's a terrific challenge!

Products used are Close To My Heart unless otherwise noted: 

Paper: White Daisy Cardstock, Thistle Cardstock
Stamps: A Bunch of Love, Flowering Fields (not CTMH)
Inks: Lagoon, Crystal Blue, Pear
Accessories: Art Philosophy Cartridge, Foam Tape, Sharpie Marker (not CTMH), Clear Sparkles Assortment, Sponges



P.G. Lamb said...

Your card is just darling! I love the row of 3D flowers with the stamped stems and leaves. Thanks for joining us at Color Dare.

NJ Stamping Queen said...

Ooh, Alyson, this is just gorgeous! I love how you blended the colors and stamped the stems over it. Great design and execution. Thanks for inspiring us at the Color Dare blog this week.
:) Marie

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Wow, great, you squeezed us in...I knew you would love these colors and love the stamping of the stems and your 3D flowers...Very very pretty. Thanks for sharing with us at Color Dare, and Alyson more of your colors this coming Friday, hope you join us again this next week.

Donna said...

Beautiful card! Love how you made the background. Thank you for inspiring us at Color My Heart Challenge Blog.

G Eileen Studios said...

I love all the fun different foliage images and the angle of the flowers. Thanks for taking a Color Dare!

Cat Nowak said...

Great card~ I really like how you made the background and the 3D flowers. Thank you for playing along this week on Color My Heart!

Melanie R said...

Gorgeous background, Alyson! I love everything about your card - the multi-dimensional flowers are lovely.