Tuesday, January 1, 2013

With Heartfelt Sympathy Card - Waltzing Mouse Challenge

Today's card is the second of the sympathy cards that I am creating for the woman at my church who sends cards to families in need of spiritual uplifting. I used the current Waltzing Mouse sketch for this one. I just happened to read the Waltzing Mouse blog and found out that this is their last sketch and they are shutting down their blog... so I guess this card is kind of a dual sympathy card - for the staff at Waltzing Mouse as well. I just found out about them and now this is the only challenge I ended up doing and they are disappearing on me! How's that for irony? I will certainly continue to use their older sketches, though, as I really like their style. 
So here is my second sympathy card - not too busy, a little understated, but just enough, I think, to get the message across. 


Supplies used are Close To My Heart unless otherwise noted: 

Paper: Avonlea Paper Pack, Slate Cardstock
Stamps: Words of Comfort
Inks: Slate
Accessories: Artiste Cartridge, Art Philosophy Cartridge, Green Mesh Ribbon (not CTMH), Slate Mini-Medley Collection, Foam Tape


Kelly S. said...

So glad you found Waltzingmouse Stamps, Alyson! Now don't you worry...you can still play along with WMS challenges in the future on Claire's blog :) This is such an elegant card with the soft soothing hues and the lovely ribbon you chose. Thanks so much for joining the challenge this week ;)!

Teresa Kline said...

luv the layers and color combo...so glad you played along with us at WM. Be sure to check to stay tuned to see what is in store for WM. Happy New Year!

enjoy *~*

Jeanne J. said...

Hi Alyson! Pretty card with lots of layers and trims!! Glad you found us - no worries - Claire has big plans for us all!

Jean Martin said...

Beautiful color combination and wonderful layers!!!! :) Thank you so much for sharing this with us! :)

Jen Cuthbertson said...

What a wonderful take on this last sketch challenge at WMSC! Thank you so much for playing along!

Edna Morrisedie said...

Great detailing on the circle element, looks great with your other features, thanks so much for playing along with the last Mischief Maker Sketch!!

Renee said...

A beautiful take on our last sketch challenge at WMSC!
So glad you play along...
and make sure to keep up with Claire's blog...
good things are in store!