
Monday, May 22, 2023

AH 526 - So Grateful for You

 Welcome to Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge 526!

I decided to use a green theme with various leaf images. 

The background paper is what drove my decision and the types of leaves I used. I have a die set that has a few of the same types of images and I die cut some of them from various shades of green. I blended grey ink around the outside of the centre circle and arranged the leaves inside an ornate circle outline and adhered that to the left side of the card. I stamped a sentiment in dark grey and added it across the lower half of the circle. There are a few grey gems placed at the edge of the sentiment was well. 

Come and join us at Atlantic Hearts and show us how you interpret this week's challenge. 

You have until Sunday evening to link up your project. 

We can’t wait to see what you create! 



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Thank you so much for leaving a comment - it truly makes me smile :)